Are you old enough to remember Dynasty or Niewolnica Isaura? Well, it started then - soap opera fanaticism. Let's face it, some people are totally hooked on them and believe they have cliffhanger endings, compulsive acting and topical storylines. It seems women tend to enjoy them more than men but I'm convinced that quite a few men watch them too. Others claim that soaps are a complete waste of time (but watch them anyway). I suppose it's an easy way to switch off and chill out for a while.
Bold and beautiful (Moda na sukces), Zbuntowany anioł, M jak miłość - Brazilian, American, Venezuelan, Polish and finally Turkish - it doesn't matter. It's compulsive vewing. Who cares the plot is far-fetched, hackneyed and how on earth so many terrible things can happen under one roof? If you ask me they are a load of rubbish and I've definitely got better things to do than waste time watching soaps.
be hooked on - być uzależnionym od
cliffhanger - trzymający w napięciu
compulsive acting - fascynująca gra aktorska
topical - dotyczący aktualnych problemów
compulsive viewing - nie można się od tego oderwać
plot - fabuła
far-fetched - naciągany
hackneyed - oklepany
a load of rubbish - stek bzdur

shirt and shoes - Zara (%)
linen trousers - Mango
bag - Zara (old)
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