We've all heard about the greenhouse effect, global warming, deforestation, climate change, endangered species, air pollution, melting of glaciers, wasting of natural resources and other environmental disasters. It doesn't matter if you are red or black - we all should definitely be GREEN.

What do you do to protect the environment? Let's hope you are not one of those people who claim that individuals cannot make a difference and minimise their impact on the environment. I believe everyone can... sort rubbish into four containers, not leave the water running when it's not necessary, turn off the light when you leave a room, avoid buying unnecessary things, use a recyclabe bag while doing shopping, cycle or use public transport whenever possible. And last but not least, make an effort to consume less. This is probably the most difficult. On one hand, an undemanding attitude to life has been promoted. On the other hand, we are attacted by aggressive advertisements, pop-ups and hoardings.

I wish you only "green" choices and may the "green" force be with you.

deforestation - wycinanie lasów
endangered species - zagrożone gatunki
melting of glaciers - topnienie lodowców
wasting of natural resources - marnowanie surowców naturalnych
protect the environment - chronić środowisko
make a difference - zmienić coś
minimise one's impact on the environment - zminimalizować swój wpływ na środowisko
sort rubbish - segregować odpady
avoid buying unnecessary things - unikać kupowania niepotrzebnych rzeczy
use public transport - korzystać z transportu publicznego
consume less - zużywać (czegoś) mniej
an undemanding attitude to life - minimalizm
pop-up - reklamy pojawiające się podczas przeglądania stron internetowych
hoarding - billboard

dress and bag - Mango
shoes - Mint&Berry
necklace - Mango (old)
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