Just to warn you, I am not going to write much this time. If you red previous post, you know w hitch hiked here late in the night. We did not get to sleep much that night (damn, it seems like very little of sleep is quite characteristic for my hitch hikes...), and the following day we climbed up to charming Bezerra, worked on the farm picking firewood and... hitch hiked back down to Porto de Mós, where after small (smal...) groceries we ate dinner (hummus made by Roxanne was wonderful!). To complete the atmosphere, Kacper and Emile entertained us with jam session, and wine filled our cups along with other decent drinks.

Dzień następny upłynął nam na... trenowaniu sztuczek cyrkowych, czyli żonglerce i koncertach saksofonowych. Tutaj oczywiście królowała Zuzka, której przewidujemy wspaniałą karierę. Trochę posiedzieliśmy w uroczej restauracji, chłopaki narobili dobrego hałasu, w sensie, muzyki. A wieczorem! Panowie uraczyli nas kolacją! Czterech mężczyzn w kuchni, taki widok nie zdarza się często!
The next day we spent... training circus tricks, by which I mean juggling and saxophone concerts. The queen of the sax was of course Zuska, who I think will become awfully famous soon. There was time spent at a restaurant/cafeteria, where boys made some good noise, which most people would call music but I am just the one who uses weird words for describing things. And that evening! That evening boys made us dinner! Four men in the kitchen - that does not happen often!
A piece of my heart stayed there, with those wonderful, filled with dreams and energy to change the world people. I assure you, there will be loud about them! And I am aware there was way more in those days than I am writing here: beautiful conversations, sharing experiences and moments, little fight with obstacles, there was laughter and peace, but... maybe another time? (:

[jesteśmy przygodą? vs. Twoje przeznaczenie czy moje?]
[let's be an adventure? vs. is it my or your destiny?]

[i moje ulubione!]
[and my favorite!]