littlepleasuresavenue.blogspot.com 6 lat temu
We've had such changeable weather for a while that it is difficult to predict even by forecasters. Most of us follow the weather forecast on TV only to find out that it is totally different from what has been predicted. So we dress in layers in the morning in order to carry all the unnecessary clothes in the afternoon, even though we heard a day before...
It'll be sunny and dry with clear skies and shineshine for most of the day.
There'll be a light breeze.
It will feel warm with temperatures reaching 23 degrees.
The rest of the day will be sunny, mostly dry, with a few isolated showers.
You can really feel the spring coming.
The weather forecast says it'll clear up later.
We may expect thunder and lightening in the evening.
A typically foggy late summer morning but the fog should soon clear away.
It will be windy and towards the evening the wind will bring some heavy clouds.
Temperatures up to 25 degrees.
It'll be a cloudy day with a lot of rain.
There will be a light mist in the morning but it soon lifts up and it will be sunny and warm.
It will be blowing a gale.
There will be a nasty thin drizzle. However, the drizzle can become a downpour.
predict - przewidywać
weather forecast - prognoza pogody
clear skies - bezchmurne niebo
sunshine - słońce / piękna pogoda
breeze - wiaterek
showers - przelotne deszcze
clear up - rozpogodzić się
thunder and lightening - burza z piorunami
foggy - mglisto
windy - wietrznie
cloudy - pochmurno
light mist - lekka mgiełka
gale - wichura
thin drizzle - rzadka mżawka
downpour - ulewa

coat - H&M (old)
t-shirt / jeans / shoes - Mango
bag - Zara
chain - Mango
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