Let’s move on to the final part of the “me and emotions” series.
In the previous parts, you have learned what emotions are, how to recognize them, and how to control them. You have also assimilated the concepts of empathy and emotional intelligence, which are key to understanding both your own and other people’s emotions on a much deeper and more mature level.

You have completed a large number of different tasks designed to familiarise yourself with the subject of emotions and to understand the course of what goes on in our heads, more specifically in the limbic system.
Now, as a conclusion, we will approach the subject more from the biological side. We will pay attention to how our emotions reach our consciousness and why it sometimes happens that we do something first and think later.
Later, there will be a moment for the final practical part of this series.
All the series on the Mood&read website are strongly practice-oriented, and this happens for several reasons:
By practicing we learn more and faster.
Our knowledge is put to use and this is a great way to learn it.
It gives us the opportunity for our interpretation of what we read.
How are emotions formed?
All our behavior is accompanied by an emotion, which is the body’s physiological response to incoming stimuli.
You are sitting in bed, reading a book and suddenly you hear the doorbell…
What happens in your head?
The neural circuitry perceives the sound as a wave and translates it into brain language, i.e. arousal to your body’s state of readiness. The nerve pathway runs from the ear to the brainstem and then to the thalamus. At this point, a division occurs: a small bundle of nerves runs to the amygdala and hippocampus, and a second much larger one to the cortex. The amygdala, which is linked to all the important elements of the brain, activates the alarm, i.e. informs the other structures of the limbic system.
This amygdala is also responsible for sudden decisions and triggers the system:
The visual signal is transmitted from the retina to the thalamus. It is there that it is translated into brain language. Then, a much larger part of the information travels to the visual cortex, but one should not forget the small part that directly enters the amygdala. It is this part that allows a quick, intuitive, although less precise, response. We can therefore conclude that the amygdala in our brain triggers an emotional response before the cortical centers understand what is happening. This is why we sometimes perform certain actions without thinking or saying words that we may later regret.

Question for you.
Think about the last time you had a situation in which your brain acted faster than you could realize. Did it perform well in that situation? Or did it make a mistake and the whole incident was to your disadvantage? Recall the situation carefully. Then imagine through which your perception has to go to be able to react. Think about how amazing your brain is and worthy of your time.
Now let’s fast forward to the last two tasks on the emotion cycle.

Task 1.
Prepare yourself a piece of paper and divide it into hours i.e. assign an hour to each line from the time you get up to the time you go to bed. After each passing hour, think about the emotions you experienced and what exactly influenced them.
This is a very important and developmental task that will not only help you to notice the emotions you are experiencing during the day, but will additionally make you self-reflect. It will make you reflect and understand what is going on inside you and, most importantly, you will answer a very important question!
Do you rule your emotions? Do your emotions rule you?
Now, with the awareness of all your emotions, you will have the task of standing in front of a mirror and trying to express them.
Task 2.
Choose three emotions. Stand in front of a mirror and try to express each one in turn. Pay attention to your facial expressions, posture, and the expression of sensations through your eyes. When you have managed to express your chosen emotion in the way you would like, you can move on to the main speech.
When meeting another person, choose one of the emotions you will come to the meeting with. Try to express it in such a way that the other person feels what you want to express. You can duplicate this exercise. It will help you to pay attention to your own emotions, learn how to express them, and learn something about the other person.
Is there anything more important than us, the PEOPLE?

Let’s learn about ourselves, inspire each other, support each other and show each other emotions!
I hope the ‘me and emotions’ series has introduced you to the world of inner experience. I hope that you have had the opportunity to get to know yourself even better and become friends with your whole inner self.
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- Go to the “contact” tab
- Fill in your contact information.
- In the subject line write “Diploma – Cycle: I take care of my health”.
- In an attachment, add files or photos of the tasks you have completed – we need to have confirmation that you have completed them to issue a certificate!
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