What would you say if I told you that a wonder medicine really exists? What is more, it is freely available to all of us. You don't need a prescription from a GP - it's up to you how much and how often you take it. Its benefits seem to be countless - it protects us from various diseases, e.g. heart attacks, obesity, depression; it helps to reduce blood pressure and improve circulation. It even improves memory as our brain becomes more oxygenated. What's the best about doing PHYSICAL EXERCISE? You don't need to bleed yourself dry to see the results. It can be anything from a brisk walk, gardening to taking steps instead of a lift. It's also the cheapest drug I've ever heard of - you don't need any special equipment or expensive gear. So stop making excuses that you can't afford it. Get up and move!
available - dostępny
prescription - recepta
it's up to you - to zależy od ciebie
protect from - chronić przed
obesity - otyłość
reduce blood pressure - obniżać ciśnienie krwi
improve circulation - poprawiać krążenie
bleed yourself dry - wyciskać siódme poty
a brisk walk - szybki spacer
gear - sprzęt, ubranie
make an excuse - znaleźć preteks
can't afford to - nie stać mnie na coś
coat - Zara %
bag - Zara (old)
T-shirt / skirt - Mango %
boots - DeeZee (old)
woolen scarf - Bytom
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