Stressed, depressed but well-dressed 7 lat temu

Hmm, are you stressed and depressed when you look at your salary slip every month? You probably have the feeling that even if you are highly skilled, committed, pull your weight and meet deadlines, it seems the boss doesn't review your performance positively so you can forget about a bonus. If there is nothing to lose, you can always pull a few strings (provided you have any), think on your feet and do freelance work or set up a company. The advantages seem to abound: you have flexible working hours, you work from home and the most important - job satisfaction. Whatever your job is, don't forget about a reasonable work-life balance.

a salary slip - pasek wynagrodzenia
be highly skilled - o wysokich umiejętnościach
be committed - zaangażowany, oddany
pull your weight - przyłożyć się
meet deadlines - dotrzymywać terminów

review sb's performance - ocenić wyniki czyjejś pracy
bonus - premia
pull a few strings - wykorzystać nieformalne kontakty (żeby coś załatwić)
think on your feet - podejmować szybkie decyzje
do freelance work - pracować jako wolny strzelec

set up a company - założyć firmę
flexible working hours - elastyczne godziny pracy
work from home - pracować zdalnie (z domu)
job satisfaction - zadowolenie z pracy
work-life balance - równowaga między życiem prywatnym a zawodowym

coat and blouse - Zara
trousers - Zara (% old collection)
shoes - Renee
bag - Mango (old collection)
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