Hi guys! I've been a little time-poor recently but I managed to prepare a few phrases relating to affection and relationships for you to revise. Let's get started!
Tom is really fond of Anna.
confide in - zwierzać się komuś
Among my family and friends I can only confide in my sister.
date somebody - chodzić z kimś
Luke is dating his next door neighbour.
easy to get on with - taki, z którym można się dogadać
My colleague Anna is easy to get on with.
feel sick to death of somebody/something - mieć kogoś/czegoś serdecznie dosyć
I occasionally feel sick to death of my job.
I know this man only by sight, we've never talked to each other.
love at first sight - miłość od pierwszego wejrzenia
Do you believe in love at first sight?
relate to somebody - znaleźć z kims wspólny język
I find it difficult to relate to one of my students.
My sister still stays in touch with some of her primary school classmates.
take care of - zajmować się kimś, troszczyć się o kogoś
As a real mother hen, I take care of my little son.
take somebody/something for granted - uważać kogoś/coś za coś oczywistego;
nie doceniać
He takes his mother for granted.
coat/dress % /bag/beret - Zara
scarf - Mohito (old collection)
boots - H&M %