You sit down with your computer, start Word or another software and... your head is awfully empty. On the bus back from school, during that boring class or when you had coffee break, or in the shopping all when you were waiting for your friend to check all those marvelous dresses on there was the most beautiful and perfect letter there, but now when the time for writing has came you cannot recall a single word. Everything gets so tangled and you feel frustration arising. How? How do I write this perfect Host Family Letter?
Ile jest Au Pair, tyle jest możliwości tak na prawdę, jakkolwiek dobrze jest zachować pewną strukturę. Twoja potencjalna rodzina chciałaby wiedzieć o Tobie więcej, a w liście znajdziesz przestrzeń na opowiedzenie o sobie własnymi słowami, dlatego warto skorzystać z tej szansy mądrze. Nie bój się, iż Twój język nie jest idealny i popełniasz błędy. Twoja rodzina jest świadoma, iż to nie jest Twój język ojczysty. Zresztą, spójrz na mnie i na moje posty - sama też popełniam sporo błędów, ale kluczem jest praktyka.
There is as many possibilities, as Au Pairs, however it is good to keep some structure. Your future Host Family may want to know more about you, and in the letter there is space to tell about yourself with your own words, so use this opportunity wisely. Do not worry your language is not perfect and you make mistakes. Your future Host Family is aware you are not native to this language. Anyway, look at me and my articles - I make a lot of mistakes myself, but practice is the key.
A teraz: otwórz jakikolwiek program do pisania. Zacznij od 'Dear Host Family', postaw przecinek wciśnij enter i... Zacznij odpowiadać na poniższe pytania.
And now open any software for writing. Start with 'Dear Host Family', tap coma key and enter and... start answering the questions below.
And now open any software for writing. Start with 'Dear Host Family', tap coma key and enter and... start answering the questions below.
2. Jaka (jaki? mamy tu jakichś Panów aplikujących na Au Pair?) jesteś, czyli jaką masz osobowość: otwarta/y, niezależna/y, towarzyska/i. A może potrzebujesz trochę więcej czasu sam na sam?
3. Jakie masz pasje, zainteresowania, hobby?
4. Jakie masz doświadczenia z dziećmi i dlaczego lubisz się nimi zajmować.
5. Dlaczego w tym a nie innym kraju?
6. Jakie są Twoje plany na 'po Au Pair'?
7. Dlaczego Host Family powinna wybrać właśnie Ciebie?
1. Who are you (what's your name, what's the nick name your family and friends use, what did you study and where)?
2. What is your personality? Outgoing, independent, extrovertic? Or maybe you need more alone time?
3. What are you passionate about? What are your intrests and hobbies?
4. What are your experiences with children and why do you like taking care of them?
5. Why did you choose this particular country?
6. What are your plans 'after Au Pair'?
7. Why Host Family should choose you?
1. Who are you (what's your name, what's the nick name your family and friends use, what did you study and where)?
2. What is your personality? Outgoing, independent, extrovertic? Or maybe you need more alone time?
3. What are you passionate about? What are your intrests and hobbies?
4. What are your experiences with children and why do you like taking care of them?
5. Why did you choose this particular country?
6. What are your plans 'after Au Pair'?
7. Why Host Family should choose you?
Potem tylko zakończ ładnie, podziękuj za czas poświęcony na uwagę, podpisz się i... woah, skończone! Łatwo poszło, nie? Agencje radzą, by list był na jedną stronę A4 mniej więcej. Nie bój się napisać więcej. jeżeli nie czujesz się pewnie z danym językiem, też się nie bój. W czasie Twojego pobytu dasz radę go znacząco podszkolić. A za tydzień może napiszę, o czym w liście nie pisać :D
Then just wrap it up nicely, thank for their time, sign yourself and... woah, ready! It was easy, wasn't it? Agencies advise to write the letter for A4 page more or less. However do not be scared to write more. If you do not feel fluent in the language, do not fear either. During your Au Pair time you are going to improve it a lot. And next week I may write what to not write about in your Host Family Letter :D
Then just wrap it up nicely, thank for their time, sign yourself and... woah, ready! It was easy, wasn't it? Agencies advise to write the letter for A4 page more or less. However do not be scared to write more. If you do not feel fluent in the language, do not fear either. During your Au Pair time you are going to improve it a lot. And next week I may write what to not write about in your Host Family Letter :D
Dla przykładu poniżej możecie przeczytać mój list do norweskich rodzin. Amerykańskiego niestety nie mam nigdzie zapisanego, więc umarł z aplikacją zapewne. Jak zobaczysz, nie jest to najbardziej idealny list, ale jest mój i mam nadzieję, iż pomoże mi znaleźć moją idealną rodzinę.
For example I posted my letter to Nordic families below. American one got lost somewhere, I believe it died after I got back to Poland. As you can see it is not the most perfect letter, but it is mine and I hope it is going to help me to find perfect family.

I like people, enjoy conversations and being around others. My positive attitude is what helps me to get along with almost everybody easily. It is hard to see me without a camera - photography is one of my big passions, especially analog, film photography. The other thing is making jewelry, or just simply creating anything which most often is expressed by making simple jewelry designs. Other kinds of crafts are also welcome - knitting, crocheting, scrapbooking or every kind of D.I.Y. projects. There is nothing more adorable than handmade winter decorations. Especially made by children.
My family is huge. I say that because my mom as well as dad have a lot of siblings, and we all live in the same area, so there is no week that I would not see at least one of them. I see my grandparents few times a week when I am staying around. We are all quite close. My mom works as quality controller in a factory, dad recently found a job in Germany. The thing is that I just came back from the USA and did not get to see him yet. I was gone for 18 months, and looking forward to seeing him. He works as a mechanic. So does my brother, Paweł. He is 2 years younger than me, and lives with my parents.
They are wonderful people, supportive and loving. I couldn't be more lucky to have them in my life. I left my hometown 7 years ago when I went to college, since then we've seen each other couple times a year, usually for holidays. Even though we are not close by physical distance, we talk a lot. I love them all a lot, and have so many wonderful memories.
I have been around children a lot - just by the simple fact I am the oldest in my generation, and there is a lot of cousins who had to be taken care of, usually during summer time, what I used to see rather as great fun than unwanted duty. That may be why when I got older (graduated to high school) I found the opportunity to help children in more structured environment starting volunteering as a tutor by a church. It was simple position - just helping with homework to children from poor families to even their chances. I kept continue tutoring after graduating to college. The organisation changed though, this one was called Wiosna (The Spring) During one year I worked at school with a girl named Magda. The main idea was to give children from poorer families a chance to get good education and good start in the future. I was a kind of tutor and friend for her. My duty was to help her with classes, homework and... be someone with who she could talk about everything. I remember one day, summer and sunny, which we spent on the playground. She was so happy! After this adventure (for me it was an adventure) I decided to try something new. I chose another organization, small, local. Place was called Przyjaciel Konika (The Fiend of The Horse) and hours in this place was the most enjoyable time in my life. I linked there two my big loves: working with horses and working with children. There was a kind of therapy for autistic children with a help of horses. Exhausting but satisfying work. I cannot imagine something more beautiful than smile on face of child like this. Truly, I am honest. Even in the winter, when your hands, feet and face was freezing – this smile made you warm inside.
Beside this I was involved in actions of Academy of Children – event especially to show children how look scientific topics in more affordable way. Once in month, during whole academics year, with the support of my university, we meet with audience of children. One adult had his lecture for example about stars, than was time for children to ask their questions, than was short break and after break one of children had his own short lecture about their hobby. Everything was happened in atmosphere supporting mental and intellectual development.
Of course I have experiences similar to nanny experiences. During my whole life I was babysitter for my younger cousins, and I have pretty big family. My mother have three brothers and my father – two. And each of their siblings have their own children. I'm the oldest of them, so since always my duty was take care of them. So we play together in children plays, we try to do art crafts, painting, making a snowman in the winter. I love reading books and telling stories, it makes my hart warm. Or preparing meals together, cooking and baking – this is lovely time. Truly saying I cannot imagine how I'll could live without my cousin Ola. She's sweet girl and she has big heart!
It learned me how to be responsible and mature person. How push child to keep with rule, but how to make their time creative. How to support development of child. How to play with them and how make their time interesting. I have learned that child is a little person with specific needs and you must be really careful to not destroy their potential. Because it can grown up into very wonderful, brilliant and clever person.
In my studies I chose cultural psychology as main topic. It is weird, because I have graduated sport psychology specialization (I had practices with young, 6-11 years old children sport teams). But cultural differences and similarities are much more interesting for me. It is the reason why I was in Turkey. I wanted to touch new culture, meet people ant talk with them. It was Erasmus Practice Program, I have got a grant to live there by three months. In Poland I have started to learn Turkish, so I could also improve my communication abilities. It was so wonderful! I like talk with people, get knowledge about them. It is why I would like to visit U.S.A. To know people, improve my English and learn something new about Your culture. Isn't it great adventure? For me, personally, this is my own American Dream.
As you can see, my interests shows why I want to be an au pair and why I can be good au pair. I like spending time with children and see how they study new things. I would like to know better Your culture, see United States, share with You life and became a small part of Your Family. Moreover, this time can help me with my English – how to speak, write and understand more. Nowadays English is the most important of the languages. Honestly, it can help me to find good job in the future and became better psychologist, cultural psychologist. I'm sure that this time can be valuable and important for both of us. I know that I can teach your child (or children) how to be a good person. How create for them safe space. I'm flexible person, so I can fit into needs of your babies. I'd like to became an au pair because this time can help me to connect two important thing: my love to children and my love to travel and getting new knowledge. Because of my experiences I know that I'm good choice for your family. I'm punctual, responsible person used to work hard. As a good psychologist, I can listen other people, support them when it is necessary and I am sensitive.