"Can you hear the silence getting loud?
Tickets to my nightmares selling out"
/Blind Channel/"Czy słyszysz jak cisza staje się coraz głośniejsza?
Bilety do moich koszmarów się wyprzedają"
/Blind Channel/
Drugi koncert natomiast miał zupełnie inny klimat. Odbył się on w pewną kwietniową niedzielę w klubie Blue Note a jego gwiazdą była pochodząca ze Szwajcarii piosenkarka o polsko-japońskich korzeniach - Yumi Ito. Jej muzyka to połączenie jazzu, muzyki filmowej a także artystycznego popu. Ten nietuzinkowy mix oraz przepiękny wokal sprawił, iż ten koncert w tak nastrojowym oraz kameralnym miejscu, był dla nas niezwykle duchowym przeżyciem muzycznym.
Today I invite you again to my music-concert world. In April, together with Kuba, I had the pleasure of attending as many as two music concerts. The first one took place in the Tafla club in Poznan. At the very beginning, even before the appearance of the main star of the evening, we had the opportunity to listen to a really very good support - the German band Venues playing typical metal. After their energetic performance, Finnish band Blind Channel, known to some from Eurovision, appeared on stage. On a daily basis it combines alternative metal with nu-metal and so-called aggressive pop. On stage the guys give a really strong and energetic show, so if you are a fan of modern metal it is definitely worth getting acquainted with their discography.
The second concert, on the other hand, had a completely different style. It took place one April Sunday at the Blue Note club and its star was a Swiss-born singer with Polish-Japanese roots - Yumi Ito. Her music is a combination of jazz, film music and art pop. This unconventional mix and beautiful vocals made this concert in such an atmospheric and intimate venue an extremely spiritual musical experience.

Blind Channel