As soon as I got there, I realised something was wrong. They were all silent and I could feel tension in the air. Mark was leaning back against the wall with his arms folded across his chest. Andy was sitting at the table and tapping his fingers. Alicia was standing with her feet apart and hands on her hips. She was frowning. Anna had her elbows on the table with her face hidden in her hands. Tom was shaking his head in disagreement. Tina turned to me and winked. I raised my eyebrows while Tom shrugged his shoulders and pursed his lips. "What's going on here?" I asked. Mark banged his fist on the table - "Where have you been?" he asked. "I've got a bad feeling about this" I thought and started to tremble...
lean back opierać się
fold your arms (across your chest) - skrzyżować ramiona (na piersi)
tap your fingers (on a table) - bębnić palcami (w stół)
stand with your feet apart - stać na szeroko rozstawionych nogach
hands on hips - ręce na biodrach
frown - zmarszczyć brwi
have your elbows on the table - opierać się łokciami o stół
hide your face in your hands - ukryć twarz w dłoniach
shake your head - potrząsnąć głową
turn to sb - odwrócić się do kogoś
wink - mrugnąć
raise your eyebrows - unieść brwi (ze zdumienia)
shrug your shoulders - wzruszyć ramionami
purse your lips - zacisnąć usta
bang your fist - uderzyć pięścią
tremble - drżeć
fur coat - New Look (second hand)
trousers - Erdem x H&M
blouse - H&M
bag - nn (Allegro)
boots - DeeZee